PA Governor Corbett Supports NovaTech Automation Alliance with Brazilian Company
PUBLISHED ON Apr 11, 2013
NovaTech Automation
Governor Corbett: NovaTech Automation LLC Announces Partnership with Brazilian Company to Grow Operations in South America

São Paulo – Governor Corbett announced this week that NovaTech Automation LLC will establish a joint marketing alliance with Grupo SCR to bring its automation technology to the Brazilian market, broadening the company’s international operations in South America.
“One of the primary goals of this mission is to connect Pennsylvania companies with new markets and opportunities for business expansion,” Corbett said. “NovaTech Automation’s partnership with Grupo SCR will open the door to new customers and clients, which in turn leads to business growth and new jobs.”
NovaTech Automation, a U.S. based manufacturer of power measurement, communication, and automation technologies, will bring its process automation to the Brazilian market. The partnership will be beneficial to the company, providing engineering support for existing NovaTech Automation clients who operate in Brazil, and developing opportunities to secure new clients.
“NovaTech Automation is fully committed to broadening our international operations and we thank Governor Corbett for leading this delegation and supporting our efforts,” Volker Oakey, Chairman and CEO of NovaTech Automation said. “We want to provide services to our clients who have operations in Brazil and have known Grupo SCR for several years; we share the same values for quality customer service and we are confident that the alliance will be beneficial for our global customer base.”
Grupo SCR is a highly respected systems integrator in Brazil, with major clients in agribusiness, steel, and chemicals.
NovaTech Automation is a U.S. based manufacturer of power measurement, communication, and automation technologies including the Bitronics® Instruments, Orion Substation Automation Platform, and the D/3® Distributed Control System. NovaTech Automation has operations in North America and Western Europe with affiliates in Asia, Eastern Europe, Central and South America.
“We have a high regard for NovaTech Automation’s products and capabilities along with their proven application capabilities in the utility and process industries,” Grupo SCR Managing Partner Ricardo Ferraz said.
Corbett’s announcement continued the Governor’s Jobs 1st Mission to Brazil and Chile. The mission is focused on growing the Pennsylvania economy and creating jobs through export promotion, investment attraction, building relationships to increase port traffic, international student recruitment and promoting Pennsylvania as a world-class destination for tourism.
The three-city, two-country mission, privately funded by Team Pennsylvania Foundation, is scheduled for April 6-16 and will include stops in the Brazilian cities of São Paolo and Rio de Janeiro, along with Santiago, Chile.
On Monday, Corbett and First Lady Susan Corbett announced that a Brazilian music ensemble led by composer and performer Paulo Padilha will participate in a week-long educational and performance residency in Pennsylvania in the fall of 2014.
On Tuesday, Corbett announced that Wipro Infrastructure Engineering will establish a new U.S.-based manufacturing facility in Franklin County and create 74 new jobs.
On Wednesday, Corbett announced the signing of a joint declaration with Governor Sérgio de Oliveira Cabral Santos of the State of Rio de Janeiro to strengthen trade ties and develop new economic opportunities for job creation in both states.
For more information about the governor’s Jobs First Mission to Brazil and Chile, visit www.paglobal.org.
Media contacts:
Kelli Roberts, Governor’s Office; 717-783-1116